If you require a means to identify individuals who have not submitted, perhaps to raise the issue with them or refer them to tutors, the following additional steps are one method of easily keeping records and identifying students:
- Navigate to the Assessment, Submission and Feedback area of the course.
- Locate the assessment. Once you have found it, click to enter.
- In the Instructions field, enter the following text (or a localised version) in addition to the guidance already provided:
“Once you have completed your submission, you need to declare that you have submitted your work. Please complete the Blackboard Test provided below immediately after submitting. You will need your submission number.”
- Click Save.
- Return to the Assessment, Submission and Feedback area of the course.
- Hover over the line at the bottom of the submission point so that the + button appears. Click on this and select Create from the options.
- Select Test from the menu options under the Assessments sub-header.
- Change the title of the test so that is obviously related to the assessment. For example, “[Assessment name] submission declaration”
- Click the + icon below the Create your assessment message (see below)
- Select Add Essay Question from the options.
- In the text box, write:
Enter your submission number here and click Submit.
- Click Save.
- Un-tick the Allow students to add content at end of assessment
- Click on the cog icon to edit the test’s settings.
- In Details & Information select No due date.
- In Formative Tools, enable Formative assessment and remove the Display formative label to students
- In Marking & Submissions:
- Change the Attempts allowed to Unlimited
- Change the Mark using to Complete/Incomplete
- Toggle Post assessment marks automatically to ON.
- Scroll down to the Description field and enter the following text (or a localised version):
Once you have completed your submission you need to declare you have submitted your work by completing this Blackboard test. Please complete this immediately after submitting. You will need your submission number, which you will receive via email after you have submitted your work.
- Click Save.
- Click on the drop-down arrow next to the visibility status in the top right-hand corner of the screen. This will read Hidden from students. Change this to Visible to students.
In some instances, it may be desirable to adjust when assessments are available to students. For example, to enable access after a certain date or only to a certain group.
- Navigate to the submission point.
- Click on the drop-down arrow next to the visibility status in the top right-hand corner of the screen. Depending on the conditions already applied, this will either read:
- Visible to students.
- Hidden from students.
- Release conditions
Select Release conditions, which will take you to a new screen.
- By default, your new rule will be called Rule # where # represents the number of rules applied to this assessment. For example, “Rule 1”. If you wish to change the name of the rule, click the name and enter text.
- Choose between:
- All members to control access for all students on the course.
- Specific members or groups to add specific students or students you have added to a Blackboard group.
- Toggle Date/Time option to expand more details.
- Click either and/or both:
- Access from: to choose the date and time the submission point should become visible to students.
- Access until: to choose the date and time the submission point should become invisible to students.
- Performance: should be left toggled off. If you would like to explore performance related (streamed) assessment workflows, please contact the Ultra Project team via blackboard-ultra@bristol.ac.uk.
- Once you have made the changes you wish to, click save. This will create a rule. Additional rules (for different groups/individual students/dates and times) can then also be added).
Warning: Students will be prompted to accept Turnitin’s end-user agreement before they can submit work.
- Navigate to the Blackboard assessment in the Assessment, Submission and Feedback area of your Blackboard course.
- Click on the cog icon in the top-right corner of the screen to open the assessment settings.
- Scroll down to the Additional Tools section and click Enable Turnitin under the Originality Report header.
Warning: Configuration of similarity settings should be discussed with the academic/teaching lead.
- Configure the similarity check settings as desired. Recommended settings for most summative assessments and final submission points would be:
- Store student submissions in:
- Standard paper repository: this will store submitted papers in Turnitin’s global paper repository, making them available to all institutions for future similarity checks. You should only select this option if this is a final submission of work.
- Do not store the submitted papers: this will ensure that any submissions made to this submission point are not stored by Turnitin. If you are setting up a formative submission or a submission point for students to submit work in progress or drafts, you must use this setting. If you do not, the student’s final, summative submissions may generate erroneous Similarity Reports by comparing their initial draft with their final work.
Info: In most instances, all of the comparison options should be toggled ON. - Compare submissions against:
- Student database (on) will check all submitted work against Turnitin’s repository of submissions from both Bristol and other institutions using Turnitin.
- Website content (on) will check all submitted work against Turnitin’s repository of website content.
- Periodicals, journals and publications (on) check all submitted work against Turnitin’s repository of published materials.
- Institution database (on) will check all submitted work against the University of Bristol’s local repository of materials.
- Similarity Report:
- Toggle Exclude bibliographic materials on if you wish for the similarity report to ignore materials included in bibliographies. Toggling this on can provide a more accurate report in the first instance. It can be overridden in individual student’s similarity reports after submission.
- Toggle Exclude quoted materials on if you wish for the similarity reports to ignore materials included in quotation marks. Toggling this on can provide a more accurate similarity report in the first instance. It can be overridden in individual student’s similarity reports after submission.
- Toggle Exclude small sources on if you wish for the similarity report to ignore smaller sources cited in the text. If you choose this feature, an additional configuration to state how many words to ignore will appear and require adjustment.
- Store student submissions in:
- Toggle Allow students to view Similarity Reports on if you wish for students to be able to view their similarity reports. This is shown to improve a student’s understanding of plagiarism and academic integrity practices.
- Click save.
This Delegated Marking option should be discussed with teaching staff before being implemented. If it does not meet requirements but you still require anonymity, consider Workflow 3: Turnitin (LTI). If anonymity is not required, consider Workflow 1A: Individual and group online without anonymity.
- In the Blackboard course, navigate to Groups from the top menu.
- If you don’t already have group sets in your course, you will need to click the New Group Set option in the top right corner of the screen. If you have already created groups of students for delegated marking purposes, proceed to step 3 below.
- In the Group students option box, click the drop-down arrow and select either:
- Create custom groups to manually choose how many groups to produce and which students you assign.
- Randomly assigned groups to automatically create a number of groups with students randomly assigned to them.
Regardless of which option you chose, you can manually move students between groups either by:
- Clicking on the … icon next to a student’s name and choosing another group to move them to.
- Clicking on several students, highlighting their details in black, then clicking on the … icon in any of the highlighted student’s details to relocate them all to another group.
- Once you have assigned all students to groups, name each group so that they are easily identified by a marker. This may be the marker’s name, a pre-agreed number, or some other identifier. To rename a group, click on the current name. You should also name the group set so it is easily linked to the assignment itself, perhaps giving it the name of the assignment and the suffix, “Marking Groups”.
It is important that groups can easily be linked to markers and assignments, especially if there will be pre-moderation standardisation or oversight by one marker.
- Ensure that the visibility option in the top-right of the screen reads Hidden from students.
- Click save.
- Navigate to the Blackboard submission point in the Assessment, Submission and Feedback area of your Blackboard course.
- Click on the submission point’s name to enter it.
- Click on the cog icon in the top-right corner of the screen to open the assessment settings.
- Scroll down to the Marking and Submissions section and toggle the option for Delegated Marking
- Click on Assign markers.
- Select the group set from the Select group set
- In each group in the set, click into the Search by marker name box and search for the marker you wish to assign to those students. NOTE: you will need to know the marker’s name or user ID to find them in the system.
- Add one marker to each group. You can assign multiple groups to each marker.
- Click on save.
For details on marking using distributed marking, please refer to the Marking, Feedback and Moderation section. For details on managing and supporting teaching and academic staff during the marking process, please see the administration section.