Find and Manage your Courses

Finding your Courses

All courses you are enrolled on are accessible from the ‘Courses’ tab on the landing page. This includes Ultra and Original courses. You will be able to differentiate between them by ‘Original Course View’ label.

Screenshot of two courses, where one is differentiated by an 'original course view' label.







If you are enrolled on many units, you may want to use these tools to find the courses.

Screenshot of the search and filter options in Ultra.


  1. Change course view display to a list or grid.
  2. Search your courses using the unit’s name or ID.
    • Filter courses by Terms which includes accessing previous academic year courses.
    • Use Filters to find courses based on your role and their status.
  3. Add courses you use frequently to Favourites so that they appear on the top of your list.

Screenshot showing the star button to add a course to favourites


Managing your Courses’ Visibility

As a default, all new unit Blackboard pages are unavailable to students. Instructors are asked to open the courses once they are ready for students to view. You can manage your course’s visibility by clicking on the three dots next to it.

Screenshot of the options to Open course or Hide course