Warning: You should wait until moderation is complete before uploading grades.
- If the feedback has not already been packaged into a zip file:
- Select all the files in each marker’s Feedback folder (including the spreadsheet) by pressing Ctrl + A (Windows).
- Right-click and choose Send to, then Compressed (zipped) folder (or Compress to, then Zip file on Windows 11).
- Give the folder an appropriate and clear name.
- See separate instructions for Macs if you are using a Mac computer.
- In Blackboard open the relevant course. Click on View course & institution tools under Course Tools in the Details and Actions menu, then select Marks and Feedback.
- Identify the relevant assignment, click Upload, browse for the feedback .zip file and Submit.
- Once you see a screen with the Process Status of Upload Successful, click OK in the bottom right-hand corner.
- Click on View course & institution tools under Course Tools in the right-hand Details and Actions menu and then Marks and Feedback.
- Next to the relevant assignment, click on Release.
- Next to the relevant zip files, click Release grades. E.g. if there are two marker groups, you will need to release both zip files.
- This will send the data to the Gradebook. Students can access their feedback from My Marks (see student guidance for more information).
Warning: If you don’t want students to see their marks immediately, ensure the submission point is hidden from students.
You can check the feedback has been correctly uploaded through the attempt in the Gradebook. Go into the Marks section, click on a student’s mark and select View.
This will take you into the Mark and Feedback section where you can view the feedback for the student.
Warning: Once you have uploaded a zip file for students who submitted after the deadline, do not click Release grades until you are ready for those students to be able to access their marks and feedback.