User management on Blackboard Ultra Courses

As with original Blackboard courses, students will be automatically enrolled or unenrolled in overnight processes using information taken from SITS.

Viewing users on a course

You can see all the users enrolled on your Blackboard course by clicking on ‘Class register’ in the ‘Details & Actions’ menu on the course page. Access to the class register is not available to students.

Screenshot showing the link to the Class Register




Once you have opened the page, you will be able to change the view between the grid or list layout by clicking on the top left icon. You can filter the list to only view students or instructors.

Screenshot showing the class register view




To enrol users onto a course:

  • Click on the plus icon to the top right of the Class Register screen.

Screenshot of the plus icon on the class register screen





  • In the side pane that opens, use the search bar to find the person you want to enrol. You can search using either their name or username.
  • Once you find the person you want to enrol, click anywhere on their name to open the role drop-down menu.
  • Select the role instructor from the list available and click save at the bottom of the menu.

Screenshot of the enrol people viewer







Removing users from a course

An instructor on a course can also remove users.  You may also remove yourself from courses.

The easiest way to do this is by unticking the “Allow access to course” box in the users Member Information panel. To do this:

  • Navigate to the Class Register screen and find their entry in the list.
  • Click the three-dots icon at the right-hand side of the name card.

Screenshot showing the three dot menu with member information options






  • A new window will appear, click “Edit member information”.
  • A side-pane will open and you will see a tick box with the text “Allow access to course” next to it. This will be ticked by default.
  • Click the box and the tick will disappear. Click Save. The users access to the course is now disabled.

Screenshot showing the 'allow access to course' tick box