Blackboard Online (Anonymous) (Ultra): 1.1: Configure assessment

If the assessment has been listed as a ‘BB submission’ in eVision, the Blackboard assignment will automatically be created in the relevant course in the Assessment submission and feedback area. For further advice on setting up assessments in eVision see the Bristol Education Administration Manual (BEAM)

  1. Navigate to the Assessment, Submission and Feedback area of the course.
  2. Locate the assessment sent from eVision. It will have the title entered into the eVision system. Once you have found it, click to enter.

It is important you do not change the assessment’s title whilst making configurations. Making changes to these details can impact mark extraction.
  1. Click the text box below Instructions and enter the following text (or a localised equivalent):

“This submission is anonymously marked. You must submit your work with your student number in the file name. For example, “123456-Assignment name.docx”. Submissions made without the correct file name and/or with identifying information will forfeit anonymity. It is vital you record your submission number after you submit. You should receive your submission number by email and on-screen once you’ve submitted. Do not delete the email and download your receipt.”

Text in this box does not appear as a description on the submission point but it does appear before the student submits their work. It is not recommended that this area be used for assessment-critical information studens need to know in advance of beginning their assessment as it is only visible once the student has clicked on the submission point and entered it. To add a description to your assessment, see point 10 below.
  1. Click Save.
  2. Click on the cog icon in the top-right corner of the screen to open the assessment settings.
  3. It is recommended that the Due date section is not changed from defaults:

    It is important you do not change the assessment’s due date whilst making configurations. Making changes to these details can impact mark extraction.
      1. Prohibit late submissions should be left toggled off.
      2. Prohibit new attempts after due date should be left toggled off.

    If Prohibit late submissions or Prohibit new attempts after due date settings are active, it may increase the complexity of allowing students additional submissions in exceptional circumstances or administering the management of extensions. If you are looking to prohibit late submissions after a specific period (e.g., five working days), you can instead use Release Conditions discussed in the Optional Configuration (in Blackboard) section below.
    1. Collect submissions offline is not used. Rather, if you have an offline submission, choose either “Physical (marks only)” or “No submission (marks only)” whilst creating the assessment in eVision.
  4. Scroll down to the Marking and Submissions section and adjust the following options:
    1. Attempts allowed (recommended: 3)
    2. Attempts to mark (recommended: Last attempt)
    3. Mark using (recommended: Points, unless using 21 point scale or a pass/fail model)
    4. Maximum points: (recommended: 100)
  5. Toggle Hide student names to on to enable anonymous marking.
  6. Scroll to the Additional Tools section and add a rubric, if desired, by clicking on Add marking rubric in the Use marking rubric
  7. Scroll down to the Description field and enter the following text (or a localised version):

“This submission is anonymously marked. You must submit your work with your student number in the file name. For example, “123456-Assignment name.docx”. Submissions made without the correct file name and/or with identifying information will forfeit anonymity. It is vital you record your submission number after you submit. You should receive your submission number by email and on-screen once you’ve submitted. Do not delete the email and download your receipt.”

Add any additional assessment and submission guidance should also be entered here, but note the limit of 750 characters.

  1. Assignments are hidden from students by default. Once you have finished configuring the assessment, you can release the submission point to students manually by toggling the Hidden from students option in the top-right of the submission point’s screen to visible to students. Alternatively, you can set a date for release – see “Optional configuration (in Blackboard)” below.